Sponsors allow us to grant twice as many funds as we could with ticket sales alone.
For over 25 years, WSGT has been an important part of West Seattle’s colorful fabric, producing the beloved annual tour, and supporting worthy charities here and in our neighboring communities. Standing proudly beside our organization are West Seattle businesses, providing about one half of the funds we are able to grant to our designated beneficiaries. In addition to a variety of sponsorship and marketing benefits, our valued sponsors receive satisfaction knowing their support allows WSGT to help twice as many organizations as we could on our own. That’s a return on investment that’s also twice as gratifying.
If you’re interested in becoming a West Seattle Garden Tour sponsor, visit our Become a Sponsor page to learn more.
Thank You to Our 2024 Sponsors!
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Beau Beaucage
Metropolitan Market
Burien Bark
Blue Plate Digital
Ventana Construction
Michael Oxman, The Tree Doctor
Cathy Gorrell & Bill Hibler
Rick Norberg, Norberg Press
Lane Bueche, Jeweler
Avalon Glassworks
Flower to the 2nd Power
Wanderlust Nursery
G. Flickinger Art & Design
Shannon Jackson
Carolyn Autenrieth Fine Art
Restorative Landscape Design