West Seattle Garden Tour is an all-volunteer organization.
Everyone has a talent to share. Use yours to help one of West Seattle Garden Tour's many sub-committees, and meet others who share your passion for gardens and charitable giving. For more information about joining the West Seattle Garden Tour organization or to sign up for our meeting notices, send an email to our Membership Chair.
Below are just a few of the committee opportunities available this year for new members interested in joining.
Art Competition — recruit artists to submit artwork for our annual art competition, and coordinate the jury process.
Grants — solicit local non-profits to submit proposals for grants, and coordinate their presentations to the General Committee.
Events — plan and organize our special events, such as the Summer Finale and tour lecture.
Garden Selection — find and select the gardens for next year’s tour!
Logistics — the day of tour activities require a lot of volunteers for set-up and tear-down. Good project management skills are useful.
Marketing & PR — plan and execute our marketing strategy. We need writers, copy editors, photographers, web designers, graphic designers, social media managers, publicists — you name it! We can also use help distributing posters and other promotional materials.
Membership — recruit new members! We are a 100% volunteer organization.
Raffle — help us procure prizes for our annual raffle, which is another important element of our fundraising.
Sales — coordinate and manage our ticket outlets, and coordinate day-of-tour sales.
Sponsorship — about half of the money we raise every year comes from local businesses that sponsor our tour. Use your people skills and business savvy to help us reach our fundraising goals.
Volunteers — Garden Leads serve as liaisons between WSGT and gardeners on the tour. They provide support to the Garden Hosts and recruit volunteers to staff the garden during the tour. Garden Leads do not have to be active members of the WSGT Committee.